Sydney Centre for Evangelisation

The Sydney Centre for Evangelisation places the encounter with Jesus Christ at the heart of its mission, offering practical support to parishes and Eucharistic communities of the Archdiocese of Sydney. The commission of Christ to “go, make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19) informs the support provided by the Centre toward parish renewal and deepening discipleship, outreach to youth and families, and the services of communications, digital and design and The Catholic Weekly that support the evangelising mission of the Church.


A warm welcome to the
Sydney Centre for Evangelisation.

Established by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation dedicates itself to the support of parishes, migrant chaplaincies and other Eucharistic communities in their fidelity to the person and mission of Jesus Christ. Working together with Bishop Richard Umbers, our Episcopal Vicar, for Evangelisation, the Centre seeks to serve the Church’s fundamental mission, bringing Christ to Sydney and Sydney to Christ.

Charged with the development and implementation of our Archdiocese’s Mission Plan, Go Make Disciples, our teams work together with the priests, parishes and communities of Sydney, with the conviction that the encounter with Jesus Christ changes lives.

We believe that every parish and Eucharistic community is a true sign and witness to the presence of Christ, a people gathered around the Word and sacraments where faith is nurtured into discipleship and enters the world through word and deed. In this way, every parish, migrant chaplaincy, and ecclesial movement is a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit who keeps us faithful to Jesus in the present and sends us out to share his Good News with boldness.

Whether assisting local communities in the work of parish renewal, accompanying the newly engaged in their journey to marriage, or sharing the Good News of the Church in Sydney through digital media and communications, our staff are committed to serving the spiritual needs of a changing city and suburbs and to supporting the call to discipleship which is made to all.In this changing landscape, we are challenged as a Church to be bold and creative in proclaiming Christ, preaching the abiding Gospel in new ways and supporting our communities as outposts of Jesus’ Great Commission. We honour and celebrate the rich faith and good works that are already present and active in our parishes and communities, and at the same time hear the Gospel’s call to ongoing conversion and constant spiritual renewal.

As shared by Archbishop Anthony, “We have great scope and desire to increase the practical support of local communities in their focus on being and making disciples, in their mission to constantly evangelise the hearts of parishioners, invite baptised Catholics back into active involvement in the Church, and reach out to those who do not yet know Christ and that their home is with us.” It is this mission that our Centre serves.

Thank you for visiting our website where you will find more information on each team within our Centre, the support available to you and your community, and contact details to connect with our staff.

Yours in Christ,

Daniel Ang
Director, Sydney Centre for Evangelisation

Parish Renewal Team

The Parish Renewal Team supports parishes that are seeking to renew their communities as places of encounter with the living Christ and centres of evangelisation and outreach in love and mercy. The team does this principally by providing practical support for parishes seeking to engage strategies for spiritual and structural renewal outlined in the Archdiocesan Mission Plan, Go Make Disciples.

Elliott Bowen – Parish Renewal Manager
Tania Rimac – Parish Evangelisation and Formation Coordinator
John Nguyen – Community Engagement Lead
Sr Anastasia Reeves OP – Parish Renewal Officer
Helen Wagner – Parish Renewal Officer

CONTACT THE TEAM or (02) 9390 5330

Sydney Catholic Youth

Sydney Catholic Youth serves the commission of Christ to ‘go make disciples’, walking with young people toward an ever deeper encounter with Christ in the midst of the Church for the transformation of the world.

In alignment with the vision of the Archdiocese, Sydney Catholic Youth seeks to evangelise by inviting young people to encounter the joy of Christ and His Church. It seeks to equip leaders to: follow Christ, lead others, discern vocation and build up God’s Kingdom; create and facilitate the experience of intentional Christian community; support and build up young people in holiness, faith and understanding; and, raise their hearts and minds to God in worship and prayer.

Sydney Catholic Youth lives out these priorities in three key areas: parish youth ministry; engaging primary and secondary schools in the Archdiocese in conjunction with Sydney Catholic Schools to foster greater communication, formation and support within the schools between teachers, students and the Church; as well as, connecting students with their parishes and other activities.

Milad Khalil – Team Leader
Julian Vieira – Youth Officer
Anna Harrison – Youth Officer
Sofia Mifsud – Youth Officer

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Phone: (02) 9307 8152

Life, Marriage and Family

The Life, Marriage and Family team provides parish-based marriage and family support in the guiding and building up a culture of life, marriage and family within parishes and across deaneries.

It provides formation, support and facilitates events for parents, and leads couples and men’s ministry groups in parishes. The team helps to create, sustain and enrich marriage and family culture, developing and delivering resources to assist in this mission.

The team also provides for the spiritual needs of the faith community and those on the peripheries through the facilitation of focused prayer opportunities, sacramental formation, liturgies, retreats, Masses celebrated for various occasions, and prayer and healing ministries.

Hazel Lim – Mission Manager
Simon Yeak – Sacramental Life and RCIA Coordinator
Kate Turnbull – Life, Marriage and Family Officer
Michael Jaksic – Life, Marriage and Family Officer


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Catholic Women’s Network

The Catholic Women’s Network (CWN) exists to support Catholic women in Sydney and beyond in living faith-filled lives and making an impact in the wider community. Inspired and shaped by this faith, the Network seeks to connect individual women to each other and existing women’s ministries. CWN also seeks to support and enrich Catholic women by creating new opportunities, programs and initiatives. Through the influence and example of the women connected to the network, CWN will proclaim Christ in all things and bear the Church’s eternal message of Truth.

Catholic Women’s Network is:
• Authentically and obediently Catholic
• Feminine
• Vocations focused (gifts and pathways)
• Accessible/approachable/down to earth

Hazel Lim – Mission Manager
Sally Hood – Catholic Women’s Network Officer
Helena Roumanus – Catholic Women’s Network Officer


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Communications and News Media

The Communications and News Media team shares the faith and good works of the Church in Sydney. It communicates the message of the Gospel as it is lived out in the parishes, chaplaincies and ministries of the Archdiocese.

It seeks to engage the general public and the mainstream media and provides support to parishes, chaplaincies and other Eucharistic communities in helping them share their stories through the media, inviting new people to Christ.

The team invites the sharing of stories, for the promotion and awareness via The Catholic Weekly, social media platforms of the Archdiocese and the broader media.

Please direct any media queries to Monica Doumit, Director of Public Affairs and Engagement.
Tel: 0417 102 103

Darren Ally – Manager
Anthony Milic – Audio Visual Specialist

The Catholic Weekly

The Catholic Weekly serves the Church in its mission by disseminating news, information and stories of faith and evangelisation which help inform and inspire the daily lives of Catholics, families, parish communities and other faith communities across the Archdiocese.

The Catholic Weekly is sold in parishes via digital and print around Australia and the world. The paper also maintains a digital news website, Facebook and Twitter pages.

This ministry supports the mission of the Church by reporting on inspiring ways in which Catholics and communities can make Christ known to the world. It seeks to inspire others by what they see and read, whether it be in families or parish communities.

Our platforms report on state, national and international news relevant to the Church, so that Catholics have a reliable source of information.

We are especially committed to supporting parish priests as the leaders of our parish communities, and seek to be a resource to which they can turn to help share good news with a wider audience. Details of parish news, including contacts, can be sent to

Stephen Lacey – Acting Editor
Marilyn Rodrigues – Senior Multimedia Journalist
Mathew De Sousa – Multimedia Designer
Ignatius Corby – Advertising and Production Team Leader
Katie Clarke – Sales and Customer Service Officer
Heidi Hariyono – Administration Officer

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Digital and Design

Digital and Design strives to creatively respond to our call to Go Make Disciples and bring people into encounter with Jesus Christ.

We do this by embracing new and existing media and communication strategies to ensure that our message reaches the people of God wherever they are.

The team has expertise in traditional print and graphic design including: posters, banners, flyers, prayer cards, bookmarks, brochures and booklets; digital graphics for websites and social media; website design, development and hosting; digital newsletter production; videography and podcasting services; social media strategy; and, digital communication strategy.

The Digital and Design team are committed to working collaboratively with our clergy and parishes to assist them in communicating their mission through the best possible and/or most suitable means available in a professional and personal manner.

Liberty del Rosario – Team Lead
Charlie Azzi – Graphic Designer
Alan Nona – Web Designer

Tel: (02) 9390 5327