Dear young people, let us entrust ourselves to Jesus, let us
give ourselves over to Him … (Pope Francis)
Sydney Catholic Youth is the agency for young people within the Archdiocese of Sydney. We are at the service of parishes, groups and movements.
Our mission is to walk with young people towards an ever deeper encounter with Christ, the Church and one another.
My dear young friends, by God’s grace and with the support of family, friends and Church, you can do great things! You can build a tower that withstands the storms of life, and provide safe-haven for those most in need: the unborn and handicapped, trafficked women and refugees, the poor in finance or spirit, those with mental illnesses or spiritual ones. We need your generation to rebuild the natural, human and supernatural ecologies. We need you to be our heroes, our saints. And with Christ before you, Christ behind you, Christ within you, Christ all round you, you can and will! I am pleased to announce the launch of Sydney Catholic Youth – may God bless you and be with you always.