Medical Research Grants

Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney: 2021 Grant of $100,000 for medical research supporting vulnerable human life


Instructions for applicants

  1. Applications must address the following criteria:
    a. The research meets the highest international standards of scientific excellence;
    b. The research investigates:
        i. Medical approaches to assisting infertile couples; or
        ii. Medical treatments conducted on babies in-utero; or
        iii. Palliative care treatments at all stages of life [with a focus on pain management]; or
        iv. Research involving the therapeutic use of adult stem cells;
    c. Therapeutic applications are likely to arise from the research;
    d. The research is innovative, whilst allowing continuation of proven treatment methods;
    e. Receipt of this grant will be significant for the undertaking of the research;
    f. Institutional support is required to match the grant in cash or in kind;
    g. The researcher(s) have a track record of success in undertaking similar or related research;
    h. Evidence of a consistency and compatibility of the outlined research work with the teachings of the Catholic Church on respect for human life; and
    i. The research complies with the ethical standards set out in Chapter 6 of the Code of Ethical Standards for CatholicHealth and Aged Care Services in Australia.

  2. Preference will be given to research conducted in an Australian institution.

  3. Other things being equal, preference may be given to less well-resourced researchers or proposals.

  4. Applications must include a detailed budget.

  5. Applications must include the names and contact details (including postal addresses) of two referees, and written confirmation that the nominated referees are available and willing to undertake a review of the research proposed by the applicant by 15 November 2021 (the due date for the return of reviews). Applications will be assessed with the assistance of two referees’ reports, one of the two referees nominated by the applicant, another chosen by the independent selection panel.

  6. Applications must be submitted in both printed and electronic form. Applications should be generally no more than 5000-6000 words long (excluding the covering letter, footnotes and any attachments). Six hard copies must be received by the due date (18 October 2021), and should be sent to:

    Ms Monica Doumit – Director, Public Affairs and Engagement
    Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney
    Polding Centre, 133 Liverpool Street
    Sydney NSW 2000
    Electronic copies should be sent to:
    PLEASE NOTE: Applications must nominate a contact person and provide contact details and a postal address for correspondence.

  7. It is a condition of acceptance of the grant that the successful applicant agrees to provide:
    a. An interim and a final report on the research and a copy of the material arising from work supported by the grant which has been submitted for publication (to be sent to Ms Monica Doumit at the address above);
    b. An acknowledgement of the grant (the 2021 Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney Grant for Medical Research supporting vulnerable Human Life) in publications arising from the supported work; and
    c. a signed letter confirming:
        i. that the research supported complies with the ethical standards set out in Chapter 6 of the Code of Ethical Standards for Catholic Health and Aged Care Services in Australia; and
        ii. that in particular the research will not involve the destruction of human embryos, or the use of tissues (including cells) derived from human embryos or aborted human fetuses; and that
        Catholic moral teachings on human sexuality, marriage and family, and end of life treatment will be respected.

  8. Funds will be available for expenditure from 1 January 2022 and should be expended by 31 December 2023.

  9. The Archdiocese of Sydney reserves the right to not make an award if the independent selection panel declines to make a recommendation.

  10. The timetable for the administration of the grant is as follows:
    Closing date for submissions: 18 October 2021
    Closing date for referees’ reports: 15 November 2021
    Winner announced: 29 November 2021
    Funds available: 1 January 2022
    Progress report due: 14 November 2022
    Final report due: 18 December 2023