The Mission, Vision, Values of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney can be found on the downloadable card along with the Archdiocesan plan, Go Make Disciples which is built upon the five foundations of Evangelisation, Leadership, Community, Formation and Worship.
The mission of the Archdiocese is that given by Jesus Christ to His Apostles: to preach the Good News of Salvation with love; to invite all people into unity with God through His Holy Church; and, to serve them with love and mercy by attending to their spiritual and corporal needs.
The vision articulated by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP is of
“A Church in which the Gospel is preached with joy, the wisdom of our tradition mined with fidelity, the sacraments celebrated with dignity and welcome, and the seminaries, convents and youth groups teeming with new life; a Church in which our parishes, chaplaincies and educational institutions are true centres of the new evangelisation, our laity theologically literate and spiritually well-formed, our outreach to the needy effective and growing, and God glorified above all.”
In keeping with the essential nature of the Church, those working within her are guided by six key values:
1| A personal commitment and desire to contribute to the building of God’s Kingdom of truth and love.
2| An abiding respect for the inherent dignity of all people and a commitment to act in accordance with that truth.
3| A dedication to justice, fairness and outreach to those in need.
4| A commitment to supportive, respectful and ethical behaviour.
5| A willingness to share of our gifts to the best of our ability in the service of Jesus’ mission, and
6| Above all, a determination to worship God, pray, and live holy lives.
As shared in the Mission Plan of our Archdiocese, Go Make Disciples, we commit ourselves to the renewal and reinvigoration of our Catholic parishes, schools, chaplaincies and other Eucharistic communities by embracing the missionary discipleship to which the Lord has called us. Specifically, we commit to this renewal by a focus on five foundations:
1| Evangelisation
Proclaiming the love of God revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and encouraging the discipleship of all who put their trust in Him as Lord, Saviour and Friend.
2| Leadership
Motivating, serving and inspiring people committed to cooperating with the Holy Spirit, and drawing upon their charisms, to share the Gospel and to build up the Kingdom of God.
3| Community
Fostering genuine spiritual communion and service within our communities of faith, marked by the virtue of charity: “By this everyone shall know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).
4| Formation
Shaping Christian disciples who willingly sit at the feet of Jesus in order that they might grow in faith and understanding and be formed humanly, spiritually, intellectually and pastorally.
5| Worship
Celebrating God’s Word and Grace in the Sacraments of the Church, so that they bear fruit in the daily lives of Christians as members of a priestly people, living through love to the praise of God’s glory. (Rom 12:1; Eph 1:5-6)
For more information: gomakedisciples.org.au