Information & Resources

Togetherness - Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

Integrity in Our Common Mission

Recommended Reading List

Listening To You

Listening To You Card

This document available in the following languages:

1. English
2. Arabic
3. Filipino
4. Italian
5. Vietnamese



Fact sheet: Information for parents and guardians on keeping children and young people safe online

Fact sheet: Information for parents and guardians on keeping children and young people safe online


1. Fact sheet: Information for parents and guardians on keeping
children and young people safe online

ACBC: Social Networking Policy for the Catholic Church in Australia

ACBC: Social Networking Policy for the Catholic Church in Australia


ACBC: Social Networking Policy for the Catholic Church in Australia

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Convention on the Rights of the Child


Convention on the Rights of the Child

Taking care of you: Self Care Plan

Children and Young people's participation


Keeping our Communities Safe

Commitment Statement

Pope’s Rosary for the Family eBook

Sharing Safeguarding Knowledge

Standard 7 of the Child Safe Standards, National Catholic Standards and National Principles refers to Training and ongoing education. At the Safeguarding Office we believe that knowledge is power and no one is ever too old or wise to keep learning. We want to make sure that we can provide everyone in the Archdiocese with ongoing education that is not only useful within the Archdiocese but also outside. Please see below the Sharing Knowledge Articles

  1. Trauma informed Care
  2. Back to Basics – Organising Children’s Activities and Events
  3. Recording Safeguarding Concerns and Complaints
  4. Working With Children’s Check Administration Guidance
  5. Adults at Risk
  6. Who needs a Working With Children Check