From Apostolic times the Church has held in great veneration the sacred order of deacons. The Acts of the Apostles describes the work of the deacons in caring for the poor and proclaiming the Gospel. For several centuries the deacons ministered in close cooperation with the bishops of the Church, assisting at Mass, preaching the Gospel and exercising a ministry of charity.
Chester Hill: Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary, 106 Gurney Rd Chester Hill NSW 2162 Tel: (02) 9726 8114 Fax: (02) 9726 8115 Rector: Rev Eric Skruzny
The Seminary of the Good Shepherd is the place of formation for priests in the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney and other dioceses within NSW and some from overseas. The seminary seeks to provide an environment that fosters the development of human character in the spiritual life, pastoral skills and academic training to enable priests to be ready to carry out their mission in the Church.
On 12 May 2019, the Archdiocese of Sydney opened a House of Discernment for young men in a vacant property formerly used as a Monastery by the Marist Brothers. Sumner House has a house chapel, common kitchen, living and dining rooms, offices, and 10 individual bedrooms. The Property is located on the grounds of Saint Joachim Parish in Lidcombe.
An ordained priest shares in a special way in the ongoing work of Jesus Christ in the world. A priest offers his life for the service of the People of God and to be an instrument of the grace of God touching and transforming the lives of people.