From Apostolic times the Church has held in great veneration the sacred order of deacons. The Acts of the Apostles describes the work of the deacons in caring for the poor and proclaiming the Gospel. For several centuries the deacons ministered in close cooperation with the bishops of the Church, assisting at Mass, preaching the Gospel and exercising a ministry of charity.
During the first millennium however, the permanent diaconate gradually declined in the Western Church and become a transitional order for future priests. It was not until the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) that the permanent diaconate was renewed in the Latin Church.
The renewal of the permanent diaconate is a part of the Council’s vision to renew all clerical and lay ministries. The restoration of the diaconate makes available to the Church in Sydney the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders; Bishop, Priest and Deacon. Through their ordination deacons are dedicated to the people of God in communion with their bishop and the priests in the service of the Altar, the Word and Charity.
This organisation is a service of the Archdiocese of Sydney.