Statement from the Archbishop of Sydney Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP on the Execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran in Indonesia
Like most Australians I do not support capital punishment: there is enough violence in our world already without
legal systems modelling it to others.
When the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, and I
made a joint appeal for clemency, we made it clear that we respected Indonesia's sovereignty and shared its
condemnation of drug trafficking. We are all aware of the terrible damage drugs cause. But refusing even to
entertain appeals for mercy – even after the pair had demonstrably turned their lives around – seemed to us to
damage our neighbour's reputation for justice.
In some ways capital punishment punishes the families
more than those executed. They must carry the memories for years to come. My heart and the hearts of all good-willed
Australians go out to the Chan and Sukumaran families and the families of the others executed with them. May their
children rest in peace.
+Anthony Fisher OP
(Most Rev) Anthony Fisher OP
DD BA LlB BTheol DPhil
Archbishop of Sydney