Mass Times
Tues 6pm-7pm; Wed 8.30am-8.50am; Thurs 8.30am-8.50am; Fri 8.30am-8.50am; Sat 3.30pm-4.30pm;Other
Tuesday: Adoration from 6pm till 7pm; Benediction on first Tuesday of the month 6.50pm;
Wednesday: Adoration from 9.30am till 10am;
Friday: Adoration from 9.30am till 10am; and 5pm till 6pm;
Saturday: Adoration from 7.15am till 8am; and 3.30pm till 4.30pm;
Church Opening: Monday 7am till 5pm; Tuesday 7am till 7.30pm; Wednesday to Sunday 9am till 6pm.
Primary School:
St Ambrose Catholic Primary School, Concord West
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