
Broken Bodies and Fragmented Love (Podcast)

13 Apr 2019

In this podcast, Dr Matthew Tan explores the way sin governs not only our actions, but also our hearts.

Many of us understand ourselves to be sinners in the sense that we may do sinful things, but there is another way in which sin is operating, when we are not intentionally doing anything wicked. For sin not only governs our actions, but also our hearts. More specifically, sin is a wound that distorts the way we love otherwise good things.

Dr Matthew Tan is Lecturer in Theology and Philosophy at Campion College Australia. He received his doctorate in Political Theology at Australian Catholic University, and his Licentiate in Sacred Theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

1. “Our love becomes distorted in the sense it has made our love of God misfire and land onto the love of things.” This is how Dr Matthew Tan describes the effect of sin. Do I have a disordered love for things?
2. How often has our desire for things made us ignore our relationships with others and with God?
3. Do we treat our possessions as if they would save us from a life of monotony?

If you haven’t gone to the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent, make time to go this week.

Hear, Lord, the prayers we offer from contrite hearts.
Have pity on us as we acknowledge our sins. 
Lead us back to the way of holiness. 
Protect us now and always from the wounds of sin. 
May we ever keep safe in all its fullness 
the gift your love once gave us 
and your mercy now restores.

Source: Catholic Online

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