The Chancery is the administrative office of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney. The Chancery provides administrative and accounting support to the parishes and agencies of the Archdiocese.

The Charitable Works Fund (CWF) is the main source of funding for around thirty Catholic agencies in the Archdiocese of Sydney. Each year, these agencies help over 500,000 people in areas such as social welfare, aboriginal ministry, adult and religious education and youth services.

The Palestrina Foundation Limited (ABN 34 907 903 210) exists to promote choral music and provide continued education for boy choristers, choral scholars, lay clerks and organists of Saint Mary’s Cathedral Choir.

The Parish Support and Development Team is a key channel through which the Archdiocese of Sydney supports our Parishes to thrive and grow.

The Priest’s Retirement Foundation (ABN 88 279 335 346) of the Archdiocese of Sydney ensures all priests can receive the accommodation, health care and support they need in their retirement.