The Last Supper
Reflect upon the meaning of today, Holy Thursday, also known as Maundy Thursday, when we commemorate the day on which Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples.
“In tonight’s Gospel Jesus washed His disciples’ feet and gave them the mandatum to do the same. Those apostles’ feet were, I suspect, tired, gnarled, pongy and sore like Dominic’s. Jesus’ gesture of washing them clearly scandalised St Peter. But the Lord was determined to tell of His love for them (smelly feet and all), of the hospitality of the kingdom of God that He promised to all Christians, and of the reverence proper to their new station as priests. But like Mary preparing Jesus for His passion, so He is preparing them for the martyrdom that will come of devoting themselves to preaching and living His Gospel, as our brothers and sisters in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and elsewhere know all too well. He says to us all: what I have done, so you too must do. “
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP
1. Why did Jesus wash the feet of His disciples?
2. Would you let Jesus wash your feet?
3. Why is it important to serve others?
Lord Jesus, help me to be more like
You were to your Apostles,
serving others with a posture
of humility. Amen.
ACT Read Matthew’s account of the Last Supper in Matthew 26:17-30