
Extraordinary Women: Sisters in Peru

27 Apr 2019

My name is Mother Graciana, and I’m from Peru. I live in a small village up in the mountains, where people’s lives are very harsh. That is why we are here. No priest resides in this mountain region that is why we got special permission from the Holy Father to assist at marriages, to confer baptisms and to distribute Holy Communion. I belong to the congregation of Missionaries of Jesus Word and Victim. Together with my Sisters we help people. We bring them happiness and hope. Every day we travel many hours to be with those most neglected. We teach them that in the light of the faith they can overcome their difficulties and accept their sufferings because they know something better awaits them. We accompany people in their most difficult situations, in their ailments, and we help them to die in peace. In those moments they are not alone.


Every day we pray for our people and for ourselves, so that we always have the strength to persevere. And we pray for our benefactors who generously help us to fulfill our apostolic mission. We serve these people out of love for God, and this help is possible thanks to our benefactors from Aid to the Church in Need.

“Every day we pray for our people and for ourselves, so that we always have the strength to persevere”
1. Do you pray for the strength to persevere harsh trials?

“We teach them that in the light of the faith they can overcome their difficulties and accept their sufferings because they know something better awaits them.”
2a. Does knowing that Heaven awaits you allow you to overcome difficult situations and sufferings?
2b. We accompany people in their most difficult situation. Who is going through a difficult situation at the moment? How are you accompanying them?

“Every day we pray for our people and for ourselves, so that we always have the strength to persevere”
1. Do you pray for the strength to persevere harsh trials?

“We teach them that in the light of the faith they can overcome their difficulties and accept their sufferings because they know something better awaits them.”
2a. Does knowing that Heaven awaits you allow you to overcome difficult situations and sufferings?
2b. We accompany people in their most difficult situation. Who is going through a difficult situation at the moment? How are you accompanying them?

Dear Lord,
Help me to remember in these troubled times
The cross you carried for my sake,
So that I may better carry mine
And to help others do the same,
As I offer up (whatever your concern or problem here) to you
For the conversion of sinners
For the forgiveness of sins
In reparation for sins
And for the salvation of souls.

Source: ourcatholicprayers.com

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