
3rd Sunday: The Fruitless Fig

24 Mar 2019
Source: Beating Around the Burning Bush

Our Faith is like the fig tree … when life gets difficult we can’t just give up on our Faith like the Orchard owner. We need to be patient and we need to take care of our spiritual life, through the Sacraments, prayer and scripture, in order for our Faith to be fruitful.

1. What are some things that stop me from nourishing my own spiritual life?
2. In what ways can I take better care of my spiritual life through the Sacraments?
3. In what ways can I take better care of my spiritual life through prayer and scripture?

Eternal Love of the Father and the Son,
kindly bestow on us
the fruit of charity,
that we may be united to You by Divine love;
the fruit of joy,
that we may be filled with holy consolation;
the fruit of peace,
that we may enjoy tranquility of soul;
and the fruit of patience,
that we may endure humbly
everything that may be opposed to our own desires.

Prayer for the Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Call a friend and ask if you can pray with them. Ask for their prayer intentions and pray for them during this next week.