Pauline Books & Media centres around the world are an expression of the ministry of the Daughters of St. Paul, an international congregation of women religious, founded to spread the Gospel through the channels of the modern media.
Pauline Books & Media is present in over 50 countries with publishing, production and distribution centres, TV and radio stations. We provide means for human and Christian growth covering a vast range of books, music, computer software, videos, cassettes, posters, interactive media and any other medium suitable for the proclamation of the Gospel in the modern world.
It was the founding inspiration of Blessed James Alberione which gave rise to the unique Christ-centred spirituality and mission of the Daughters of St Paul. Attentive to the Spirit, Bl. James saw the need to make use of the most modern means of mass communication available so that the Gospel might reach all peoples around the world. is a part of our growing presence on the World Wide Web – another “world” in which we can help to make Christ known.
This organisation is not a service of the Archdiocese of Sydney. Please direct any query to the organisation directly.