Addresses and Statements

Appointment Of Most Rev. Anthony Randazzo As New Bishop Of Broken Bay

07 Oct 2019
Appointment Of Most Rev. Anthony Randazzo As New Bishop Of Broken Bay

I offer my sincere congratulations to Bishop Anthony Randazzo on his appointment by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Broken Bay and pay tribute to him for his enormous contribution to our Archdiocese since he was appointed an Auxiliary Bishop in 2016.

Bishop Randazzo has earned the respect and affection of the people and priests of the Archdiocese of Sydney, especially those in the western region for which he has been responsible.

As the Episcopal Vicar for Formation, he has contributed much to the initial formation of our seminarians and the ongoing formation of our priests. As Chair of the Board of Sydney Catholic Schools, he has contributed to the governance of schools that serve thousands of young people and their families.

On a personal note, I am deeply grateful to have had Bishop Randazzo as my close collaborator in Sydney over the past three years. I have been enriched by his counsel and inspired by his love of God and God’s people. While the Archdiocese of Sydney will be sad to see him leave, we are pleased that he will not be moving far, and look forward to continuing working with him in service of the people of our region.

Bishop Randazzo is a young, energetic Bishop with a faith-filled vision for the future. He also brings to his new task broad experience as a parish priest, canonist, seminary rector and bishop. He will now shepherd a flock of over 200,000 Catholics across Sydney’s north shore, northern beaches and the Central Coast. The Diocese of Broken Bay is truly blessed to receive him as their new Bishop.

He goes with the love and prayers of the priests and people of Sydney.